Why Tiffin Boxes are better than Plastic

Why are Stainless Steel Indian
Tiffin Boxes
better than Plastic Lunchboxes?

Steel does not absorb the food or liquid that is placed in the Tiffin Box. Our steel is food grade and is EU certified as Food Contact Safe.

Steel does not contain any harmful chemicals or BPA, which is often found in plastic lunchboxes.

Steel will not alter the taste of the food or liquid that is placed within it. Food or liquid placed inside the Tiffin Box will stay and taste just as fresh as when it went in.

Tiffin Boxes are perfect for reducing the worlds waste. They can be reused many times without degrading and are one of the most commonly recycled commodities.

Tiffin Boxes are very versatile as they can be stored in a freezer, oven or dishwasher and the sturdy nature of steel means that it will never degrade.

Stainless steel is one of the safest materials when it comes to storing and preparing food and drink. It is easy to clean and doesn’t leach any chemicals into your food.

Stainless steel is pretty much unbreakable. If you drop a stainless steel lunchbox or bottle it will not break, it might get a dent, but otherwise it still can be used.

Plastic lunchboxes over time absorbs the food/liquid that is placed in it, just look at the colour of well used lunchboxes, you will see they have changed colour.

Plastic lunchboxes can be easily broken or can snap if they are dropped, they are not sturdy and this contributes to plastic waste as the number of breakages are higher.

Many plastic lunchboxes and bottles can contain Bispheonal A or BPA. Exposure to BPA can lead to cancer, obesity, diabetes, immune disorder and hyperactivity.

Since the 1950s, around 8.3bn tons of plastic waste have been produced worldwide. Plastic lunchboxes are made from unsustainable materials like crude oil, which is harmful for our planet.

Plastic lunchboxes are often not recycled. They just end up in landfill or in our oceans.

Our oceans are full of plastic waste.

Scientists believe that 150m metric tons of plastic is in our Oceans. By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the Oceans.

According to the UN, plastic is killing more than 1.1 million seabirds and animals every year.

Animals and fish often consume plastic thinking its food, they can often choke or die and if not, it gets ingested into them and can end up in humans.